- Dec. 14, ’24 – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM — Citroën Car Club (Los Angeles) at Honda HQ. , Email Jean Francois JF Martin; marrsautomotive@gmail.com for directions to meet up.
- Dec. 14, ’24 – 11:00 AM — San Francisco Regional Citroën Car Club (SFRCCC) — Holiday luncheon at the Basque Cultural Center. (Was Dec. 7, but changed due to venue availability.) You’ll enjoy a salad, main dish, dessert, coffee/tea, and soft drinks, all for only $50 USD per person, tip and taxes included. Signup at: http://www.sfrccc.org/.
- Aug. 24 ’25 – 1:00 pm – NWCOC Cit Chat & BBQ at 2CVsRus in Seattle. The North West Citroën Owners Club invites you to Enjoy an afternoon with your Citroën friends at Uschi & Axel’s home. Bring: Meat for BBQ and/or other dishes. We will provide German Bratwurst, soft drinks, and entertainment! If it rains, the party room in the garage will be ready and the grill will be covered. Please bring items to donate to the NWCOC Silent Auction. These need not be Citroën or even car related! Please make sure that auto parts are clean or wrapped for protection. Call 206-439-0202 or e-mail info@2CVsRus.com for directions.
- Oct. 17 – 19, ’25 (tentative dates) – West Coast Rendezvous – Annual event, organized this year by the San Francisco Regional Citroën Car Club (SFRCCC). Location TBA.
- Nov. 8, ’25 – Best of France and Italy Car Show – Woodley Park, Van Nuys, CA. More info at: www.franceanditaly.com