Below are links to the Cinema Citroën compilation reels that Ronny Kienhuis has put together and showed at Rendezvous.
Join our contest to identify the various movies and TV shows that feature Citroëns. Click on the reel icons (below) and play along by filling out the form on each reel page and submit your answers. (You could win some cool Citroën stuff!)
Along with the reels, Ronny maintains a database of over 350 films and TV shows that feature Citroëns. He has graciously offered to share it with us. At the end of the contest you will be able to access this great reference source.
Now, sit back, relax and enjoy some terrific Citroën entertainment!
Thanks Ronny!!
…and don’t forget to check out the Internet Movie Cars Database (IMCDB) for an extensive list, by model, of Citroëns featured in films.