2024 (and beyond…):
- Nov. 8–10, ’24 – Salon Époqu’Auto – Parc Eurexpo, Lyon-Chassieu, France. A major fall event for Citroën and other classic car enthusiasts. More info at: https://epoquauto.com/
- July 29 – Aug. 3, ’25 – 25th World Meeting of the Friends of the 2CV – Slovenia. Original prices for the meeting will stay as they are until the end of 2024! Register via this link: https://2cv2025.si/registration/. You can now register and pay via bank transfer, credit card, or Paypal. Please like our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram!
- FB: https://www.facebook.com/2cvslovenia2025
- IG: https://www.instagram.com/2cvslovenia2025/
- If you have any questions, please contact: info@2cv2025.si or registration@2cv2025.si. If you want to receive regular news, please register for a newsletter on the following link: https://2cv2025.si/ and look for a subscribe button on the right side of the web page.
- Feb. 5–9, ’25 – Rétromobile – Paris, France – at Porte de Versailles. http://en.retromobile.com/
“We’re here to help you find, maintain, and enjoy driving in classic Citroëns. Experience unmatched style, comfort and engineering that will make you smile!” just below A community of Citroën enthusiasts.”