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The following URLs are listed specific to a Citroën model (listed in bold and in order of age of manufacture) – with a description of the link:

For more information, including; sales brochures, dealer price lists, handbooks, technical manuals, service bulletins, and period information from Citroën and other suppliers, login to this Citroënvie website as a member.  Members gain access to our extensive Archive of documents and videos.  Not a member?  You can join Citroënvie here.



  1. https://kegresse.dk/index.php – The Creeper Track Society (based in Denmark) works continuously to collect information about Citroën Kégresse cars, and make it available to the world. Take a look at some of the historical photographs they list and download the Kégresse Register or many of the original Citroën Kégresse documents that they have compiled.
  2. https://kegresse.dk/index.php – A 1932 P 28 Citroën Kegresse (halftrack) is shown in various armoured configurations.The Creeper Track Society (based in Denmark) works continuously to collect information about Citroën Kégresse cars, and make it available to the world. Take a look at some of the historical photographs they list and download the Kégresse Register or many of the original Citroën Kégresse documents that they have compiled.
  3. http://www.citroen-rosalie.com/rosaliedeserie.htm – Rosalie was a range of three models/sizes of automobile that comprised the core of Citroën’s model range between 1932 and 1938. The three models were originally designated respectively the 8CV, the 10CV and the 15CV.  At the 1934 Paris Auto Salon, the two smaller models became the 7UA and the 11UA, now with the overhead-valve engines from the Traction.  The website also provides great insight into the Rosalie series of commercial trucks offered by Citroën in that era:  http://www.citroen-rosalie.com/utilitaires.htm.  



  1. https://windhorst.org/traction/ – Citroën Traction Avants Northern California is the name of the site. One click and you’ll soon appreciate how plentiful they are out there.  See the TracBar Tractions that first made the trip out west and then went back east to ICCCR.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WkJmkBifuYs – Link to a video shot in France of the very sweet sound of a Traction Avant engine being fired up for the first from a serious engine rebuild due to a throwing rod. And there is an extended running video of the engine here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpRVG2W1XL4
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iL_SUpIMsQ&feature=relate – Clip from a 1940 European film shot during the War showing a Gazogene Traction Avant driving along.
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6iL_SUpIMsQ&feature=related – Here is a 1940 film from Europe showing Gazogene Traction Avant driving along during the War.
  5. https://www.authentic-roads.com/ – Do you love the classic Traction Avant? Want to drive on some of the world’s most scenic roads? Then check out this French Company (and French only website) that can put you behind the wheel of one of their 8 Tractions!
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BiJ7rtnXavw#! – CITROËNVIE member Pierre Cambillard sent us this Traction cabriolet video of the gathering in Nice and Monaco on June 8, 2011. It’s amazing to see the various models!
  7. https://btwsk.nl/citroen2/index.php/driving/96-driving-15-six – A good article on the Traction 15-6 driving experience.
  8. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xio1ja_traction-avant-gazo_auto – A video by by Max Gastell-Defougeres showing a rare old Traction Avant Gazo starting and running.  The Gazo burns charcoal, and these Tractions were pretty much the only way to get around France during WWII when gas was virtually nonexistent.  It gets a little cheesy when the car starts and they show a rocket lifting off, but the rest is fascinating!
  9. https://www.traction15six.com/Welcome.html – This site of Philippe Tarcher in Switzerland shows his participation in the Mille Miglia with his Traction 15/6H and that of an AMI 6 Beline.



  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gd8klplbIAw – Here is the “Tin Snail”, the definitive 2CV documentary that aired in the 80s. Now on YouTube in six parts, the first of which is here.  This is a must see for anyone interested in the 2CV. It is a bit dry, but quite unique in its completeness.
  2. https://www.cadichonne.net/aff_photo.php?id=447 – The1939 TPV prototype is considered to be the first 2CV.  Here’s proof that there were earlier test cars built by Citroën that had many of the characteristics of the TPV.  This car exists today a museum in Rochetaillée, France.
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=trGz2hD-2VA&feature=share – This 1996 BBC film by David Leighton delivers an interesting history and profile of the 2CV as well as managing to capture the spirit of 2CV ownership. OK, so there area few technical inaccuracies (such as the fact that more than one TPV survived WWII, the Ami shown is a Super not a 6 Berline and Méhari bodies were ABS plastic not fiberglass, but now we’re being picky…   Like the 2CV itself you’ll smile for the entire 15 minute running length and you’ll quickly get the feeling that watching this clip is the next best thing to driving in one.
  4. ftp://ftp.team.net/ktud/pictures/Citroen_2cv/ – Other very unusual 2CVʼs.
  5. https://www.azelle.fr/htdocs/ – Nice pictures of 2CV cabrios,
  6. https://www.laboheme.com/2cvhistory.html – Neat page from La Boheme a Carmel California French restaurant with their own 2CV. They also list a detailed easy to read history of 2CV improvements year by year!
  7. https://www.slowcarclub.com/06-2cv-special.htm – A site dedicated exclusively to 2CV racing.
  8. https://www.slowcarclub.com/06-citroen-2cv.htm – Normal bodied 2CVs in drag racing action.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HW1B0YHP0U&feature=related – 2CV dirt track racing video.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDEou4hsjLI&NR=1 – 2CV dirt track racing video with 2CV flip over!
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I68PWqm3xXs&feature=related – 2CV dirt track racing video with 2CV double flip-over!!
  12. https://www.difflock.com/diffmag/issue19/2cvsahara/ – Webpage by Peter Wibmer that gives a detailed history of the 2CV Sahara.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvJp1X3qiog&feature=related – The famous 2CV chase scene from the James Bond movie For Your Eyes Only.
  14. https://www.pruebautos.com.ar/images/index_2cvx60.htm – 60 Years of the 2CV (in Spanish but loaded with cool stuff) courtesy of Citroën fanatics in the Argentina Citroën Club.  There are films of the 2CV assembly lines and the 1994 discovery of the 3 TPVs that were hidden (from the Germans during WWII) in the roof of a barn.
  15. https://www.huureeneend.nl/?lang=EN – Want to rent a 2CV for your next vacation in Europe? Make sure you win the lottery before you go! A weekly rental is a rather hefty 699 €!
  16. https://nos.nl/video/128229-voorbeschouwing-loosdrecht.html – Video showing a 2CV ploughing snow on a frozen canal skating rink.  (You can see the 2cv around the 3:13 mark.)
  17. https://snail.s4.bizhat.com/snail-ftopic1088-0-asc-45.html – An interesting display of 2CV derivatives.  Scroll the page and you’ll see an interesting custom built 2CV pick-up with back fenders that seem to be detached.
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU70ekyF25E&feature=player_embedded – Citroën was very cautious letting anyone film in their 2CV manufacturing plants but during 1990, the last year of production, Citroën let the whole process be documented at their plant in Portugal.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LrE9OEqerc – Ok, it is possible to rollover a 2CV.   But as you can see, you have to be pretty stupid.
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c7ZCbgNnoZ8&feature=related – 2 Dyanes in head-on crash test.
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP6D4NYWEU8&feature=player_embedded – A 2CV drag races an Oldsmobile 442 and wins!  Not your stock 2CV!
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28RcLs3SbPs&feature=player_embedded#at=18 – Here’s a video of some muddy ducks (actually 4×4 2CVs) running amuck at Villevenard 2008.
  23. https://www.2cvpourtoujours.com/ – Lionel Hondier lives in Vancouver, BC where he works in a restoration shop specializing in British vehicles.  However, being French, he loves Citroens and brings one a year in from France and restores it from the frame up.  The line forms to the right for his next one.  Click on The French Collection link for detail restoration photos.  Truly a labour of love!
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txwMP9nOpGY – It doesn’t get any better than this! Brigitte Bardot driving in a 1950’s 2CV in the film La Bride Sur Le Cou. The driving sequence was shot with a stop motion effect which was very avant-garde for the time. Cut-off driving style aside, view this 6-1/2 minute clip that is the beginning of the film and you’ll probably be dreaming the rest of it tonight!
  25. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/travelvideo/8745128/2CV-tour-of-Paris.html#.ToN7SYxqK3g.email – Jeremy Hart takes in Paris’ finest sights from the bouncy comfort of a vintage Citroen 2CV.
  26. https://books.google.ca/books?id=GyEDAAAAMBAJ&printsec=front%20cover&dq=popular%20science%201961&hl=en&ei=R9F9Tr7NJMHosQKO_%20OVP&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CC4Q6AEw%20AA#v=onepage&q&f=false – Michael Stefanovic sent us this link to the August 1961 issue of Popular Science magazine. In it, starting on Page 62, Harry Walton writes a very humorous article on how the French perceive the 2CV, and takes a drive with Mrs Charles Humbert, of Long Island, NY, who has one of the few 2CVs brought over to the USA.
  27. https://auto.liquida.it/photogallery/24842/citroeen-2cv-il-mito/?img=16 – A link containing 16 photos, some taken at the 2011 Salbris Friends of the 2CV meeting in France, of 2CV’s that go a long way to bolster their myth.
  28. https://www.ev-store.com/fr/134/198/kit-de-conversion/vehicule-leger-kit-voie-privee.evstore – Care to turn your 2CV (or Dyane) into an electric vehicle?   This French site offers an electric conversion kit to replace your gas two-banger with a linear electric motor for 4.920 euros, excluding the battery pack. 
  29. https://www.advdhorst.nl/en/ – A really good Dutch site (in Dutch) showing the restoration steps for 2CVs and Méharis. They also have them for sale. And you can get rates on renting a 2CV by clicking on “Verhuur” on the top banner on the home page.
  30. http://www.ina.fr/video/CAA7500566901 – La nouvelle 2CV Spécial. Jim Sciberas pointed out this video that introduced the 2CV Special to the market. You’ll love the “white knuckle” 2CV handling demonstration toward the end.
  31. https://videos.arte.tv/fr/videos/karambolage-emission-du-21-octobre-2012–7007446.html – Here’s a link to a cute French animation short on the history of the 2CV. Even though there are a few illustration errors, (like the spec brief for the purpose of the 2CV came from Pierre Michelin when it was actually Pierre Boulanger, showing an early 2CV hood opening on the top only and not with the sides attached, and a reference to a yellow and black late model 2CV as a Dolly and not a Charleston), for the most part it is accurate and it certainly is entertaining.
  32. https://www.garagetv.be/video-galerij/stopandgotvfilmpje_2cv_cross_valkenswaard_2009_rollover_crash.aspx – Here’s a video of a 2CV flip in the 2CV cross Valkenswaard 2009 race.
  33. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAocmae9vyE&feature=youtube_gdata_player – Want a bit more “umph” to the performance of your 2CV?   Here’s footage of a BMW powered Citroen 2CV ‘Test Mule’ at Mallory Park Race Circuit on Practical Performance Car Magazine’s Track Day 2013.  (It’s driven by multiple 2CV champion Pete Sparrow). It is a completely standard 2CV with standard gearbox, brakes, suspension, chassis and clutch.  However it has a BMW 1100s bike engine underneath the original 2CV bodywork.  The result: 95 bhp,  0-62 mph in under 9 seconds and a top speed of 100mph+!  More Info: https://www.sparrowautomotive.co.uk
  34. https://www.comediansincarsgettingcoffee.com/gad-elmaleh-nolipsticks-for-nuns – Here’s a clip from Jerry Seinfeld’s Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee internet video series. In this one he goes for coffee with a French comedian Gad Elmaleh in a 1950 Citroën 2CV. The show is really about nothing but as Jerry says, he loves comedians, he loves cars and he loves coffee, so why not make a video? It’s rather funny in its own right, except it tarnishes the 2CV’s reputation that it is a reliable vehicle because the one they are in certainly had not been properly tuned-up.
  35. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mt7h3CghJEg – CITROËNVIE member Sietse Elsinga brought to our attention this classic Dave Allen sketch from the 1970’s where two Irish fellows are buried, one with the help of a 2CV.
  36. https://www.youtube.com watch?v=2KlWtu60lkw – CITROËNVIE member Simon Walker sent us this link to a candid video clip of a young lady describing her reasons for owning a 2CV Dolly.  It’s a part of a TV documentary series called A to B Tales of Modern Motoring (1994).



  1. https://www.hvan.co.uk/ – The H Van Register website.  A listing of H Vans around the world.



  1. https://web.archive.org/web/20170311092934/citroen-ds-id.com/ – A site that educates on how D series hydraulics work.  Understand how all the bits function and the operation of the entire hydraulic system.  Full site with paint codes, manuals, etc.
  2. https://web.archive.org/web/20171124155347/http://www.dsidclubdefrance.net:80/pages/evolution_DS.htm – Want to be an expert on yearly changes in D model production? This site is French, with the graphic illustrations the evolution of the DS in exceptional detail.  A must reference for D model lovers!
  3. https://www.koolhaas.demon.nl/robri-e.htm – Site showing the model differences from year to year in the D range.
  4. https://www.nuancierds.fr/entreeuk.htm – This website is dedicated to the body colours and interior fabrics used on Citroën DS and ID models.   An excellent reference resource!
  5. https://www.citrowagon.fr/400_documents_france.html
  6. Click on the ‘Documents Publicites’ icon and you will find an extensive selection of Citroën DS brochures from France, USA, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Benelux, Scandinavia and Spain.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRJhYr2-PlY&feature=related – Excellent film on the Citroën DS (in French), with awesome footage of rally racing. And narrated by two of the Citroen’s championship rally drivers at that time.  Make sure to watch all three parts!!!
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bjSNwwvW7Rg&feature=email&tracker=False – This VIP perfume commercial set in Monaco features Usher and a “babe” in a Porsche Speedster being chased by 2 Citroën DS.  The production values are pretty slick as is the driving!
  9. https://www.kewego.fr/video/iLyROoafJeYW.html – View this well produced video (in French) by Turbo magazine (in Belgium) on the history and technology of the Citroën DS.
  10. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUx8hVdDaPg – A music video featuring Carla Bruni as she composes her song “No Promises”. It has scenes of her with a gorgeous DS in Paris. Oh, and Carla is pretty easy on the eyes as well.
  11. https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjIyNzE0NTE2.html – Charlize Theron stars with a Citroën DS in commercial for UNIQLO, a new-style Japanese casual wear designer, manufacturer and retailer.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWH6w6ercLY&feature=related – This 1958 Citroën DS19 was used as a prototype for demonstrating and testing inclining self-adjusting suspension by the Swedish inventor Julius Lindblom. The car has been preserved over all these years.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1g0_4xx8xnw&feature=related – A 50 minute film (in French) that provides an extensive history of the DS and it’s innovation.  There is also early Citroën history with the Croisière Kégresse off road cars of the 1920’s and the Traction Avant.  Amazing footage throughout! 
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqPi3NXAsRY – A 30 second Dutch movietone showing the introduction of the futuresque Citroen DS at the Paris motor show in 1955. This has 3 very nice interior shots.
  15. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AjmLmG16Nw&feature=related – Quentin Wilson of BBC’s The Car’s The Star presents an excellent, if short, documentary of the Citroën DS. We love the footage of the Paris Auto Show introduction showing the stage before the DS arrived.
  16. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3W8RdwVz2vs&playnext=1&list=PLA2A17C5852941AB6 – A clip from the Marcello Mastroianni movie ‘The 10th Victim’ (1965) featuring a clear roof DS and a steering wheel that looks like it came from the TV sci-fi series The Thunderbirds!
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i1tLPnFzeq8&feature=related – Jaguar Mk2 vs Citroën DS auto chase. Bit of fun from a British ITC production action film. The Jag looses in the end in a rather spectacular way!
  18. https://www.citroen-dsm.co.uk/4_door_Decap.htm – Peacock Engineering (Citroën DS and SM specialists) in the UK have this photo gallery of a 4 door convertible conversion of a 1974 RHD DS 23 semi automatic sedan. Most interesting is the requirement that it looked like a standard DS sedan with the roof on.
  19. https://www.citrowagon.fr/001_accueuil.html – His name is Steevie Lavoie and he lives in La Prairie, Québec, (on the south shore near Montreal).  Steevie has a passion for DS station wagons.  The “Safari” as it’s called, is extensively covered on this website.



  1. https://videos.autoplus.fr/video/iLyROoaf2wQU.html – Here’s a Citroën film promoting the GS engined AMI 8 Super. They tout a 140 km/hr cruising speed and we’re pretty sure it’s no coincidence that the AMI is seen passing Renaults and Peugeots and the German stalwart VW Beetle.
  2. https://www.traction15six.com/Welcome.html – This site of Philippe Tarcher in Switzerland shows his participation in the Mille Miglia with his Traction 15/6H and that of an AMI 6 Beline.



  1. https://www.studio100tv.be/videoclip/mega-mindy/toby-toby – Cute music video that should inspire you to get out in a Mehari.  It’s from a Flemish TV series Mega Mindy that airs in Belgium and revolves around a girl who lives with her grandparents and works as a police officer but she has a secret identity as superhero.



  1. https://www.rotativementvotre.org/lerotatifclub.php – Le Rotatif Club – A Wankel rotary engine enthusiasts website featuring the Citroën GS Birotor.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmS978s0Jc0&feature=related – Citroën promotional video made in 1969 that shows Robert Opron and his approach to styling the GS.
  3. https://www.gs-gsa.org/?p=histoires – It’s in French but if you are into GS’s, then this site has a complete history of the GS, arguably the most technologically advanced and innovative mass production car that Citroen ever built.
  4. https://www.citroen-gs.nl/index.html – Extensive website for information about the Citroën GS and GSA authored by Mattijs Kemmink of the The Netherlands.
  5. https://citroenami.freeservers.com/Modelos/Gs-gsa/in_gs.html – An abbreviated page on the history of the Citroën GS and GSA can be found here. It features a clear and concise outline of the GS models that were offered and it makes reference to competitive models from other manufacturers that were offered at the time.
  6. https://www.evalbum.com/868 – Australian Citroën owners are very ingenious.  Interesting site that discuss the conversion of original gas powered 1976 Citroën GS Club to electric power plant.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okvp5162fS4&feature=player_embedded#at=223 – Zero Degree Driving in a Citroën GS; – Here’s mandatory viewing for you ice racers out there. The film shows the DS sliding around turns in winter rallies and then focuses on driving instructions for winter racing in a GS. I think the language is Italian, but even if you don’t understand it’s still fascinating viewing and you can pretty much figure out what the instructions are.
  8. https://www.historicfilms.com/tapes/9000 – Check out the footage at 15:09:30 for this UK Citroen GSA commercial.
  9. https://youtu.be/IH5iFRTUwac – Graham H Wilson, GS Section Registrar of the Citroën Car Club in the UK, shot a video of a GS Birotor that visited him at his home in Milton Keynes.  The sound of the rotary engine at 5,000 revs in 2nd [of 3 gears] is wonderful.  Graham says that as he knows there is only one other GS Birotor that is roadworthy in the UK.



  1. https://citroenSMAustralia.com/ – Want a right-hand-drive SM? Visit SM Australia’s site.
  2. https://users.skynet.be/sky38711/allfiles/smfile/smonline.htm – smonline is an extensive site devoted to (what else) SM’s.  Here you will find specifications, history of all models, data on colours, production, sales figures and serial numbers.
  3. https://www.suurland.com/blueprint_x.php?image=https://www.suurland-media.com/blueprints/cars_urban/citroen_sm.jpg – How about a SM blueprint to hang on your wall?
  4. https://users.skynet.be/sky38711/allfiles/smfile/citro%EBn_sm_sales.htm – Did you know that more SMs were sold in Canada than in Great Britain?  Check-out the sales figures.
  5. https://www.jaylenosgarage.com/video/citroen-sm/187642 – In this video Jay Leno takes us inside his extensive automobile collection in Los Angeles to discuss, along with Jerry Hathaway from SM World, his Citroën SM, the uniqueness of the car and the eccentricities of owning one.
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sgcGQx_Efow&feature=player_embedded#! – The opening of the original film The Longest Yard, made in 1974 and featuring Burt Reynolds, had a legendary chase sequence in a Citroën SM.  While you’re there take the time to view a dozen other videos with Citroëns in them.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K_CyD0qw1A&feature=related – Video showing why the SM is widely considered as the ultimate offering from Citroën’s finest era!
  8. https://www.ina.fr/politique/presidents-de-la-republique/video/CAC95030024/chirac-a-l-arc-de-triomphe.fr.html – Historic video clip of French president Jacques Chirac making his first trip in the Presidential SM to the memorial event for the unknown soldier on the Champs Elysées.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETEWBstktU0&feature=player_embedded#at=131 – A SM racing in the SPA 24 in 1971.   Check out the 1:05, 2:11 and 5:29 timeframes of the YouTube clip.
  10. https://stephane.patchou.com/SM/home_sm.htm – This site documents the importation and restoration of an SM in Montreal.  The author, Stephane Patchou has added incredible detail on what he has done on the car.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2JL9IQ7bUg&feature=share – In the 1970’s the Gendarmerie used some French exotics to police the Autoroutes.  Citroën SMs, DS and Renault Alpine A110s made up what was called the Rapid Intervention Brigade. In this 1973 video the police hunt offenders in a SM driving over 200 km/h and we get some insight into the driver training that officers underwent.
  12. https://www.sm2a-automobiles.com/realisations-en-cours/sm-plateau-tissier.html – This company restores Citroëns and they are starting on a “SM plateau TISSIER – a flatbed hauler. The before shot is particularly telling!



  1. https://www.florian-graus.de/index.php/2009/01/01/2002er-cx-treffen-in-westhofen/ – The CX became a french utility hauler in the 1980’s, with various configurations built as ambulances, document carriers, film camera shooting vehicles, and flatbeds to transport other vehicles.  This site, known as Flo’s Homepage, has extensive photos of these conversions that they refer to as CX Loadrunners.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_6or6mC1Gg&feature=player_embedded – Scene from the 1975 film The Poliziotto where a Renault 5 chases a Citroen CX.



  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TqTlAgOTVE&feature=related – As exciting a car as the XM was, its final days saw Citroën burdened with quite a surplus.  This stylish video commemorates the final days of the XM.



  1. https://www.der-wankelmotor.de/Flugzeuge/Citroen-Helicopter/citroen-helicopter.html – Citroën actually produced a helicopter! The RE2.
  2. https://www.pompeypuddleducks.co.uk/2cvnews.html – Back in 1969 Citroën decided to build a 2CV-based racing car, the MEP, aimed at getting children onto the race track. The car initially had a highly tuned Ami engine, but performance was less than expected. It was then fitted with with an 850cc Panhard engine with slightly better results. Even so the project didn’t extend beyond this single prototype.
  3. https://www.le-camion.nl/ – We often overlook the lowly H-Van, but not here!  This site by Jong of The Netherlands is called “Citroën HY-vereniging le-Camion” and it is one of the biggest fan Clubs for the boxy time-warp wonder!
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXq9j8M-KpU&feature=email – See Citroën’s electric-powered Survolt concept car take on an electric Agni Z2 motorcycle in the world’s first electric car vs bike showdown. BTW, the driver in the Survolt is Vanina Ickx.



  1. Panhard’s automotive history is older than Citroën. In 1955 Citroën bought 25% of Panhard, eventually taking them over, and putting them out of business in 1967. These videos show that the sense of innovation and adventure (of both the cars and their owner/advocates) is infectious.  Especially the guy in part 3 who owns the coupe!   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxY2ccR9aMohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DcS_HTa7xjshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcWKiszXtFM
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dsjbgBZG-aM&NR=1 – What is it about Panhards that makes them just as derivable as Citroëns?  Look and listen to the engine of the Dyna Z16.  And look at the mesmerizing windshield wipers on the model 24: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxU3KbSHH3o


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