90 Years of the Traction Avant in Argentina

By Alejandro Beiroa….

Held in the gardens of the San Isidro Hippodrome, AutoClasica 2024, the largest exhibition of classic cars and motorcycles in South America opened its doors from October 10 to 13. In this twenty-first edition, visitors were able to relive part of the world’s automotive history thanks to an exhibition of more than 1.100 classic vehicles of international category.

This year, multiple tributes were paid: 120th anniversary of Rolls Royce, 110th anniversary of Maserati, 60th anniversary of the legendary Porsche 911, the 60th anniversary of Ford Mustang.

For its part, the Citroën Club Bs As celebrated the 90th anniversary of the Traction Avant by exhibiting 13 different models:

  • 1 — 7cv (1937)
  • 5 — 11 BL (1946, 1947, 1948, 1952)
  • 1 — 11B (1952)
  • 2 — Cabriolet (7c 1937 and 11BL 1937)
  • 4 — 15 six (1948, 1954)

The Tractions from Argentina were joined by two cars from Uruguay.

The club also had the visit of two ACI Delegates: Jorge Santamarina (Uruguay) and Richard Bonfond (USA).

Taking a tour of Autoclasica, we were able to find other Citroëns on display:

  • a 1973 SM (American version but with a European front),
  • a 1937 Traction cabriolet (in both cases cars exhibited by individuals)
  • and finally — a Traction 11BL belonging to the Club Autos Antiguos de Rafaela.

The top prize “Best of Show” at Autoclasica went to the Maserati 8CLT (participant in the Indianapolis 500 in 1940).

There were also two prizes for Citroën models:

  • Post war European (Large series): 2nd place — 1947 Traction Avant 11 BL
  • Contemporary European (Large series): 2nd place — 1973 SM.

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