In 2020, Citroën Autoclub Canada created an award in memory of David Kane — a longtime member of CAC and a true legend in our Citroën community. Dave kept a stash of Citroëns and other cars, all in “rather needy” shape, at various Southern Ontario locations. A trophy is handed out each year to a Club member who, in the past year, has found a Citroën barn find, or worked to preserve a Citroën from the fate of going to a crusher.
We announce the winner at our annual Christmas Party.
The Dave Kane – “All it needs is a clutch” award, is named after the famous saying we had about Dave’s cars and what he and his good friend, Glen Fryer, always exclaimed no matter how derelict a Citroën they came across.
For its inaugural year, the Dave Kane – “All it needs is a clutch” award was presented posthumously to Dave and given to his eldest daughter Crystal. It was awarded during part of Citroën Autoclub Canada’s Fall outing on October 3, 2020, when the Club also held A Celebration of Life for Dave.

Pierre-francois Raimbault was the winner of the 2024 Dave Kane “all it needs is a clutch” Award for the transformation that he made to a well-worn old 2CV that his father once owned. You can read about that on Citroënvie here:

Jeff Teerlinck was the winner of the 2023 Dave Kane “All it Needs is a Clutch” Award for the rescue of two of his own cars, a 2CV and a DS, that sat in a Toronto body shop for nearly a decade. The shop kept promising they would be ready “in a week or 2” but then Jeff got a call in the fall saying that the shop was moving but the cars wouldn’t be! By that point, rust repair on the 2CV had been done and it was primed but not painted. As for the DS – it was painted but the door handles and lights had not been re-fitted. Jeff brought a trailer and got them out of there. When he can find some time in his busy schedule, he’ll try to finish both of them.

Gerard Jeantet was the winner of the 2022 Dave Kane “all it needs is a clutch” Award. It was presented to him for saving a DS21 Break that languished on Dave Kane’s property on Yonge Street in Richmond Hill for many years before being moved to a warehouse in Etobicoke where it has sat neglected for almost 25 years. Gérard has taken on the task to get it back on the road and he feels that should be a reality by spring of 2023.

Bernard Laborde, our French Citroën mechanic in Toronto, and specialist in the marque, was awarded the 2021 Dave Kane – “All it needs is a clutch” award for his remarkable resuscitation of a DS Safari that was rescued from the estate of the late John Mazmanian in Ft. Erie Ontario back in 2011. You can read about his accomplishment and see 2 videos of the result here: Congratulations Bernard!