It’s great to see enthusiasm from our kids about the classic Citroëns we drive. Take for example Toronto Citroënvie member Philip Maguire’s son Brean. We did a story last month about how keen he is about their 2CV. Brean secured a spot at a local car show by getting there early and speaking to the organizer. Well, not only is Brean enthusiastic about showing their Ducky to others, he has taken it upon himself to make the following checklist to ensure the car is set-up properly for every 2CV journey; that items are checked along the way and any issues documented upon return.
Quite the thorough fellow! It’s that kind of enthusiasm that will hopefully make him a life long devotee!
Brean really needs to get to his first Rendezvous. Come on Phil – that’s a father-son bonding trip that will never be forgotten! Maybe in 2018? 🙂