It’s on again! The Lane Motor Museum in Nashville TN is hosting another of their renowned Microcar Meets on May 26-28 (Memorial Day Weekend).
Of course Citroën A series cars such as the 2CV, Ami 6, Dyane and Mérhari all qualify as Microcars as their engine displacement is under 800 cc. Show up in one and be envied as the land yacht of the crowd.
The event will start on Friday afternoon with a tour to Percy Priest Lake with rides in the museum’s Amphicar (weather permitting).
Saturday’s events include a car show at the museum, followed by a tour of downtown Nashville, (only 3.5 miles from the museum). On Sunday there will be another tour of the area, returning to the museum for a Microcar gymkhana in the afternoon and dinner that evening.
Come spend a weekend at the museum and get the chance to see Jeff Lane’s 500 car collection (of which about 100 are micro cars). Also they are approximately 60 motorcycles in the collection.
As a special bonus the museum’s main exhibit for 2017 Microcar Mania opens Thursday, May 25!
Jeff Lane in a 1953 Rovin D4 (from France).
You are welcome to participate even if you do not have or do not plan to bring your micro car. All they ask on the tours is that the micro cars go first and then the modern cars follow. Tours we will have a rescue van and trailer following the tour just in case…
Registration Fee: $35 per car for non-members; $30 per car for members. $20 per person for Sunday dinner at the museum (optional).
For more info and to register go to: