We want you to know how we collect and store your contact data and that we conform to the new EU-wide regulation on data privacy (GDPR).

We never sell or share you data. It is kept in the administration database of the Citroenvie website and that database does not contain your financial information such as credit card info. Our administration database, along with the Citroenvie website is hosted on a secure server through a certified secure ISP in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. We also maintain a master spreadsheet containing your name, email address, and your status level (Subscriber, Basic Member, or Full Member), on local secured storage in Toronto, Ontario, Canada that is not published or shared in any manner.

We use PayPal as our online means of payment transactions and through which credit card payments can be made. PayPal’s terms and conditions are stated here.

We do not have access to any of your PayPal account information. We only get notifications from PayPal of payments made to Citroenvie and they show only the amount paid, your name, email address, transaction number and/or an invoice number. If you pay us directly (mailing us a check or in cash) not utilizing PayPal, PayPal has no access to any data we have in the Citroenvie administration database or in the Citroenvie the master spreadsheet.

The only other place were your data is used by Citroenvie is with MailChimp for our monthly and occasional breaking news communication bulletins that we email to you. The data that is used in Mailchimp is only your name, email address, and your status level (Subscriber, Basic Member, or Full Member). You can review MailChimp’s privacy policy here.

If you have any questions or would like to opt out of any of our services please contact us.


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A community of Citroën enthusiasts with a passion for Citroën automobiles.

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