Wondering about your Citroën’s build date?

You can check the build dates of a wide variety of Citroën models here: https://www.vindecoderz.com/EN/Citroen

Update:  Our apologies…  It appears that the website only works with a 17 digit VIN.  And even then the accuracy may be in question, particularly if trying to track Citroëns sold in the USA where cars were often sold as later model years because they were modified for export sales by third party companies like CXA and CINA.


  1. Hi,
    I had inputted my 1986 CX Gti Turbo Series 2 with the vin VF7MANK0001NK5040 and it had said year is 2005, mileage in Kilometers =187K +
    Just doesn’t make any sense!

  2. Same here, my old 1987 CX was unknown, year: 1985-2015. My old 1991 Xm was listed as 1985 with also 187,000+ km. My old SM does not have a VIN so I don’t understand why they would even list it. Too bad.

    1. fwiw , I had inputted 17 digit vin numbers of my older CX Prestige and others when I had lived in the U.K, even that info was incorrect

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