by Richard Bonfond…..
The central California coast weather looked promising for a gathering of Citroënistes on the weekend of July 20 – 22 in celebration of 100 years of Citroën Automobiles. By

Having arrived mid-afternoon, we checked in with the club registration where we received our welcome packet and perused an impressive display of raffle goodies, all donated by club members.

As we connected with old friends, a variety of
After a good breakfast on Saturday morning, everyone was ready to display their cars in the parking area reserved for the club, along with vendors selling anything from spare parts to books.

There was a spectacular range of cars, from 2CVs to SMs. An impressive collection of Traction-Avant which included two right-hand-drive Slough built cars.

The A-Series

The D-Series also shined with phenomenal examples belonging to Peter Anning, Tim Broers, Dennis Duesing, and Gary Gladwish and Sara

SM and CXs were also in attendance plus Byron Brill’s Dyna Panhard, Savo Stanivukovic’s Peugeot 405, and although not French
By mid-day it was time for the vendors to put their wares away as we were to caravan on a scenic drive to a BBQ and Mexican lunch, kindly hosted by SFRCCC member John Billings.

After everyone digested their meals there was still time to visit some local wineries before heading back to freshen-up for the evenings Gala dinner.
The evening’s program started with cocktail hour then into the Peacock Room for dinner. We were welcomed by our club president Ann Juell and introduced to our special guest Noëlle Chapron who was with us for dinner and the entertainment. After dinner, first on the agenda was a report and slideshow of Citroën’s Centennial Celebration which took place in July at La Ferté Vidame, followed by a light-hearted very humorous program from our resident entertainers Peter Anning and Betsy Parada… Well done you two!
Next on the evening’s agenda was the awards presentation given to the custodians of some very deserving cars which were as follows:
- Best A-Series: 1970 AMI-8 Break – Kevin & Tania Palmer
- Best Traction-Avant: 1954 Slough built Light 15 – Robert Dibley & Laurie Small
- Best D-Series: 1969 DS21 Pallas – Tim Broers
- Best SM: 1971 SM – Kirk Wentland & Larry Camuso
- Best CX: 1984 CX25 TRD – Chris & Alexandra Daily-Diamond
- Best other French make: 1964 Panhard Dyna – Byron & Mara Brill
- Best of Show: 1969 ID21 Break – Dennis & Kathy Duesing
- 100th person to register for the event: Peter Koine
Congratulations to all the winners for their devotion

Before the evening came to a close a list of the raffle winners was displayed, after which everyone was encouraged to collect their prizes.
On Sunday morning we all assembled for breakfast and slowly bid goodbye to another successful Rendezvous. A hearty thank you goes out to the SFRCCC organizing committee of the 2019 West Coast Rendezvous, celebrating 100 years of Citroën Automobiles.
Next year’s event will be hosted by the Citroën Car Club of Southern California, dates and location will be advised once they become available… See you all next year.
Richard Bonfond.
Photos courtesy of me, Alain Brie, David Bruckmann, and Roger Dibley.
More photos of 2019 West Coast Rendezvous can be viewed at: