Yet another casualty of the Covid-19 pandemic, the 21st Annual Bastille Day Rally in New York City scheduled for this coming Sunday, July 12 has been cancelled.
Due to safety and security concerns, the organizers thought it prudent to cancel the NYC event. They are actually saying they will “delay” it and as an alternative, plan to have a drive from Piermont, NY to Bear Mountain and back sometime in the latter part of August.
Everyone is invited to participate but this time they suggest that you bring your own food and beverages for obvious reasons.
Keep monitoring our Eastern USA Events page for further details. There will also be updates posted by Howie Seligmann at:
On an even sadder note, we regret to announce the passing of Herb Fischman who really enjoyed coming to the Bastille Day Rally in NYC in his 1953 Traction Avant.
Herb always had a sweet smile and nice things to say about people. He loved French food and spoke several languages. More than anything else, his passion was to help people no matter who. Our deepest condolences to his family; Jenifer, Lauren and Sophie.