We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Roland Faragher-Horwell of Quilcene, Washington (near Seattle) who, after 15 months of work, just got his SM back on the road. It is a 1973 Italian market model with fuel injection (SC series) and a cloth interior with a little over 60,000 original miles on it.

The car was purchased in 1980 by his father, a Boeing Aerospace Engineer who was working as a consulting engineer to AerItalia near Naples, Italy. On his return to the Seattle area in late 1981, he imported the car and it pretty much sat under a cover since then. In June, 2016, Roland’s father passed away leaving his mother with this long dormant Citroën SM, and that’s when he decided to revive it!
Fortunately the body did not need major work, but the mechanical and interior revitalization required an extensive tear down.

Other than an engine rebuild by David Hume at Excelsior Motors in Kentucky, the all the work was done by Roland as a home project. And in doing so he documented the impressive journey two ways;
- On a blog https://smrevival.wordpress.com/
- Feeling that the blog would be tiresome to look at if folks just wanted a quick overall view of the car, given that blog is really more of a series of chronological entries of his progress, he put together this website of some of the many photos he took: http://https://sc2281.blogspot.com/p/body.html. (The navigation of the site is in the upper left corner.)
Roland just put 150 km on it this week and says; “the car is absolutely a dream to drive”.
We felt his effort should commended as he has generously provided a text-book reference for anyone undertaking an SM restoration and wanting an end result that looks “like new”. Well done indeed!

If you would like to contact Roland with thoughts or questions regarding his SM, he can be reached at: QuilceneSM@gmail.com.
This SM was a Prototype , it was fully rebuilt piece by piece , an Italian version EFI ..
look at the roof top mounted antenna like the CX – suggests that this maybe a latter model, only thing, I would question is ‘Why is it a Protype this late in the production?’
Aren’t Proto-Types usually before the production¿?
Another SM Proto type :