Fun With Numbers – How Americans Drive!

By George Dyke…..

Tony Arevalo is a numbers-obsessed licensed insurance agent in Oregon. Consequently not only is he a good fit in his profession, he crunches numbers well beyond his 9 to 5 job, spending a good deal of his spare time doing data analysis.

Tony Arevalo

Tony and a small team of insurance specialists began working on Carsurance, a website that, unsurprisingly, centers on car insurance. Their goal was to enable drivers to find less expensive coverage faster. Once they saw how much positive feedback their efforts received, they decided to expand their research and started PolicyAdvice — a website with the goal of helping even more people by creating a one-stop-shop for all insurance needs.

I recently came across an article they published – “How Much Do Americans Drive?”. It has some insightful information and as you can see in the link (at the bottom), there is quite a bit of work that has been put into it.

One observation though; I wonder where some of the data comes from specifically? While I don’t want to see footnotes plastered about the text and graphics, how did they come up with the list of the Top 10 Best Places to Drive? I have driven most of the US roads mentioned, but two that I think should have been listed are the Chief Joseph Highway (WY 296 – from the East side of Yellowstone Park to Cody, Wyoming) and the Tail of the Dragon in North Carolina (US 129 – with 318 curves in 11 miles). The latter is frequently referred to as America’s number one motorcycle and sports car road.

Chief Joseph Highway (highlighted).
Tail of the Dragon (highlighted).

It might be a good idea for Tony and his team to step away from their spreadsheets occasionally to get out and actually drive some of America’s best routes! 🙂

Here’s the link and while you are there, scroll down to the next article titled; “Everything You Need to Know About Self-Driving Car Insurance”. Very informative! It will be very interesting to see where insurance rates go when they become prevalent, particularly in light of those of us still trying to enjoy our beloved classic Citroëns and driving with years of actual experience as vie for space on our roads with vehicles driven by cloud-based autonomous automation!

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