We are saddened to announce the passing of Jim Agnew on Christmas morning. Jim was the Sacramento Valley Citroën Club
Jim lived in Rocklin
Prior to his employment at DWP, Jim worked for the California Geological Survey as an Associate Seismologist for 7-1/2 years.
And prior to the CGS, Jim worked for Woodward-Clyde Federal Services as Project Manager – Geophysics for almost 12 years. There, i Las Vegas Nevada, he worked on the Yucca Mountain High-level Nuclear Waste Repository project in Las Vegas, Nevada, wrote & edited geological reports, prepared Test Interference Evaluations, and led tours of the Yucca Mountain site for the public.
In fact, Geophysics and Seismology were Jim’s professional life from the beginning of his career. He started at Woodward-Clyde Consultants as Project Manager – Geophysics/Seismology and for the first 11 years worked in such locations as; Alaska, Louisiana, New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut, during which he planned, installed and maintained various weak- and strong- motion seismic monitoring networks for State, Federal and Private industry in Alaska (Alaska Power Authority), Louisiana (USDOE, Gas Research Institute), New York (EPRI, ConEdison Indian Point Nuclear Plant, RG&E Ginna Nuclear Plant).
Jim’s educational background included; a Master’s Degree – Field Of Study Geophysics and Seismology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, a Bachelor’s Degree from the State University of New York College at Potsdam, and Field Of Study Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies at t
With Jim’s science involvement, one can understand why he was fascinated by Citroen’s engineering and why they were a significant part of his life outside of work.
Jim owned many Citroën DS over the years. He was a very nice fellow, with a vast knowledge of how they worked that he was happy to share with all. Jim was part of a Facebook group called ‘The Rocklin Rebel‘ and had his own Facebook page that is now being monitored by his daughter Aimee Ernest and her husband Richard Ernest.
Jim is survived by his wife, Connie M. Hall Agnew to who he was married for 36 years, his son Jeffry Dixon (Connie’s son by a prior marriage), daughters Aimee Ernest (last name by marriage) and Jessica Zimmerman (also last name by marriage) and 7 grandkids. Jessica posted this lovely poem on Christmas Day just after Jim’s passing;
Christmas Without You
Although it’s sad to reminisce
On Christmases we knew,
This year I shall celebrate
In memory of you.
I’ll put aside my sorrow
With every unshed tear,
And concentrate on all the joy
We shared when you were here.
Our time together taught me
What Christmas time is for,
And that’s what I’ll remember
Until we meet once more.
I love you, Dad. Twinkle a light for me to let me know you’re with me. Merry First Christmas in Heaven.

This photo is one of the last ones taken with Jessica and her Dad before his death.

I had come to know a great number of souls through the FB, Jim Agnew and I had got started conversation through a photo that I had taken during the journey back to Montreal from the ICCCR 12 in 2002 that was held in Amherst, Massachusettes after I was momentarily stopped to have a lunch with all the Citroën Auto Club members and other whom I had got acquainted with during that weekend.
Jim had seen my published photo of my ”86 Citroën CX2 Dovrin with a 4speed manual transmission onto one of the many Citroën affiliated clubs , it’s number plate at the time was used from one of my personalized Citroën “CIT DS” , can you imagine what the onlooker unknown to the type of Citroën I was driving with these plates on it think?
Well, this is when Jim and I had got started writing through the messenger, we got to know one another through our affiliation over many Citroën related subjects, fault funding, troubleshooting, prognosis and finally to the fix.
He had gathered that I was a Cit nut through and through, it’s the truth, all of our FB community knows it.
But this news had hit home , six months prior, no wait , it’s within the last year that we were communicating about health and other topics , he spoke straight, one of the things that I had come to know that he was a good person, highly respected and known throughout the Citroën community and others.
Reading this news, I miss him as we had communicated often.
P.s my Facebook handle is Prakash King, but my friends have been told that my last name is same as in a King = Raja