We have received the first interim feedback on the response rate of the FIVA (world-wide organization looking after the interests of owners of Historic Vehicles) 2020 Survey – and it looks like there is less engagement by Citroën drivers and enthusiasts compared to the last FIVA survey executed in 2014.
Thus, if you haven’t already done so, we kindly ask all Citroënvie members and subscribers to participate in the FIVA 2020 Survey.
Your input is of high importance to FIVA since it helps the global association of all historic vehicles to have a quantitative basis in their dialog and argumentation with key stakeholders in that segment, as well as with industry associations, politicians and legislation.
This is especially important if we want to continue enjoy driving our classic Citroëns in a world that has a rapidly evolving agenda to prevent internal combustion engine vehicles from operating on our roads.
Please make your voice heard by taking the survey. It will be open until October 2020. Here is the link: https://fiva.org/en/fiva-survey/