Probably one of the best D’s on this planet. Restored by Citroën Andre in the Netherlands using mostly new parts for a UK customer.
Left-hand-drive and equipped with all the desirable features of the last and most powerful model of the classic DS:
- Citromatic gearbox
- air-conditioning
- rear heater
- stereo
- perfect black leather seats with headrests.
Health reasons forces the current owner to sell his dream car. This DS has been transported to the Netherlands and is back at Citroën Andre awaiting a new buyer.

This immaculate DS23 has been showcased at several shows in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom.
Current UK owner has well over EUR 125.000 invested in it and is looking for a fair offer — asking $79,000 USD.
A picture history of this DS during restoration and display can seen here:
Contact Andre Pol at:
Seller and Andre Pol of Citroen Andre are currently in discussion with 3 interrested parties. If it results in a sale we will mention it here.