In the book “L’encyclopédie des Citroën 2CV belges”, Vincent Beyaert describes the production and development of the 2CV assembled at the Forest plant in Belgium.
The book deals with the first 2CV A in 1952 to the last version to roll off the Belgian production line in 1980, as well as the vans based on the 2CV, exotic vehicles such as the Radar and the specifically Belgian models built after the plant closed.
Belgian-built 2CVs had specific lighting, different hubcaps, notched rear wings, differentiating them from their French cousins in many ways. Unfortunately, not all of the changes were documented by the factory. This book clarifies that: based on original documents, interviews and a detailed analysis of photos and cars assembled in Forest, the development of the Belgian 2CV is traced in great detail.
Overviews of body colours, seat trims, production figures and chassis numbers complete the book, along with hundreds of images.

It is the ultimate reference for every Citroën 2CV enthusiast and can be ordered for €47,50 from Citrovisie here: