California DS Dreamin’ – Part 2
After countless hours of seemingly pointless work, the sound of Little Alien’s engine roaring was music to our ears.
After countless hours of seemingly pointless work, the sound of Little Alien’s engine roaring was music to our ears.
A running car was an important criteria, and Little Alien just made the cut.
When I pulled up to the entrance level in my 1970 DS21, Mike immediately asked if I would like to bring my car inside to take some photos of it in the chancel where the altar used to be.
The article goes into great detail and shows some good pictures of the process involved, but one needs to stay on top of all stages of a DS restoration.
I have 4 Citroën DS in various stages of restoration. There are 2 complete vehicles, 1 parts car and 1 nearly rust free frame.
The car is in excellent condition and is garaged. Located in Honolulu, Hawaii.
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