By Ronny Kienhuis…..

Yesterday was the official departure (well toward the boat anyway) of Terra America Traction Avant from Vannes in Bretagne, France. Fanny Adam (the driver), Gaëlle Paillart (co-pilot n ° 1) and Maéva Bardy (co-pilot n ° 2) are actually not leaving right away. First they are showing the car in Paris and then it goes to Bruges in Belgium for shipping to Seattle. There, someone else drives the car to Alaska where Fanny and Gaëlle will actually start the first leg of the trip on July 15 going from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska and Los Angeles, California.

Ultimately they will motor in the Traction to the tip of South America.

They plan to do the expedition in stages; 3 months on, 3 months off, 3 months on, 3 months off etc.

Fanny Adam (holding microphone) and Maéva Bardy

Their Traction has a DS21 engine and 5 speed transmission. It also has power steering and Recardo seats. Nice. It was prepared by a man who rowed across the Atlantic, and is a Traction aficionado. 

I drove my 1935 Traction Avant 11A Limousine there and Luc Marescot took the photo of me and Henri-Jacques Citroën.

Ronny Kienhuis and Henri-Jacques Citroën.

1 comment

  1. Hi, I live in Eastern Ontario (Canada) about 2 hours East of Toronto. The actual city is Belleville. I can’t tell if your route will cruise this far East as you show several routes south.
    I would be more than pleased to offer any assistance you might need: accommodation, mechanical assistance, logistics etc. I own a lovely ’55 Traction Avant and have owned about 8 other Citroëns.Look forward to following your adventure.
    Regards from Plainfield, Ontario

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