ClassicCarsForSale confirmed today what we have been saying for while… The Citroën CX is currently undervalued for the driving experience it offers. They just published a comparison test of the Saab 900 Turbo T16 and the Citroen CX GTi Turbo 2.
Both were developed to take on the established premium performance models from the likes of BMW, Mercedes-Benz and Jaguar. Saab did it by bolting a turbocharger onto the engine of an already rock-solid automobile with an aviation design pedigree. Citroën on the other hand, powered up their Gallic craft with a Turbo in 1984 and elevated that to an even greater performance level with an inter-cooled turbo offering (hence the Turbo 2) in 1986.
The article’s conclusion is that; “Citroën runs away with the prize. It’s only a matter of time before values start to soar for this worthy successor to the DS.”
However, the bottom line isn’t the only reason we mention it. They describe both cars with sound knowledge and manage to do road tests with honest driving impressions.
Read the full article here: