Two women from France, Fanny Adam and Carolina De Salvo, will be embarking on a Citroën adventure in a Traction Avant, traveling the Pan-American Highway, from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego, to raise awareness of the fate of 21 indigenous peoples and bring their messages to the world.

Slated to commence in June 2021, the expedition will be divided into 3 main stages over 3 periods of time (see below), and go through a variety of landscapes and 4 climatic zones in 14 countries. The Traction will be the vector of sympathy for their journey.

Fanny and her teammate will be immersed for several days at various stops they will be making to visit with indigenous peoples, creating a bond of trust, dialoguing and sharing with their hosts their lifestyles and more generally their cultures. With this exchange of views they hope to understand their struggles for their rights, for water, land etc …

They will cross the sumptuous natural landscapes of the American continent, the historical sites of ancient Mayan and Inca civilizations, the large modern cities crowded, noisy, stunning as the peaceful side roads. This trip is also one of extraordinary, spontaneous, unusual encounters with women and men with whom they will share memorable moments of life.
They will echo the little-heard words of indigenous peoples, through a notebook that will be entirely dedicated to them and in which they will express themselves. The notebook will be turned over, at the tend of their trip, to UNESCO.

From polar climate to equatorial climate, from Prudhoe Bay at 70 ° North in Alaska to Ushuaia at 50 ° South in Tierra del Fuego, their Pan-American their Pan-America trip will illustrate the confrontations between development and preservation of nature, and varied social contexts as they cross four climatic zones thus revealing an in-finite variety of landscapes: the forests of Alaska, the North American deserts, the equatorial jungles of the Isthmus of Panama, the Andean plateaus and the the megalopolises of Vancouver, San-Francisco, Mexico City, Panama, Quito, Lima, Valparaiso etc…
The Traction model chosen for the expedition will be an 11 Commerciale which will benefit from special preparation to operate roads that have been questionably maintained, and the seemingly impassable quagmires they will encounter during the rainy season.

They will also be able to accommodate guests, wishing to experience their daily expedition for a few days and who may be able to offer a more in-depth look at subjects of interest of which they are specialists.
Fanny and Carolina aim to be as independent as possible, under all circumstances, taking on board all the necessary equipment to film and photograph their expedition on a daily basis. During immersion with the indigenous peoples and in the presence of regular guests along the route, film crews will join them to bring back a complete photographic and cinematographic documentation.
September 2020 – May 2021
• Investigative work on indigenous peoples with journalist Anne Pastor and connect with them.
• Do mechanical preparation of the car
• Logistics preparation for the shipment
June 2021 – September 2021 or November 2021
• North America Alaska, Canada, USA
January 2022 – May 2022 or June 2022
• Central America, Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama
October 2022 – January 2023 or March 2023
• South America, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, Argentina
Fanny Adam, the driver, and Carolina De Salvo, her co-driver, are very excited about the trip, and also looking to connect with Citroën Clubs along their route. A number have already have started to take up a dialogue with them.
Also, Henri-Jacques Citroën, ACI ambassador and grandson of company founder André Citroën, is excited about this project and has been involved from day one, as well as L’Aventure Peugeot Citroën DS.
There is an initial brochure available, that can be downloaded here:
I was very pleased to talk to Mme Fanny Adam today at a car show here in Tucson, Arizona. I was the tall man wearing the cowboy hat. You have an exciting trip planned! Have a safe journey to Ushuaia your destination in the furthest South city on earth- “the end of the world”. I hope to see your video when your journey has ended.
Regards, Neil