With the Covid-19 pandemic tamed down somewhat, Citroën Autoclub Canada was able to hold their annual Christmas party in person once again on Dec. 4, 2021, returning to The Mandarin Restaurant to enjoy a vast selection of food they offer as part of their buffet lunch.

The party kicked off at 11:30 AM with a presentation from Citroën AutoClub Canada president George Dyke who delivered an update on the Club’s membership numbers, the officers elected at the Club’s planning meeting in November, and an announcement of the events that CAC has planned for 2022.
George also took the opportunity to introduce the 2022 Citroënvie Calendar (fresh from the print shop), and present Citroën Autoclub Canada’s 2021 Golden Sphere “Philippe” Award to the father and son duo Andrija (“Andy”) and Senen Racki for the restoration of their 1972 SM. Congratulations Andy and Senen!

George also announced that the winner of the Dave Kane “all it needs is a clutch” Award was Bernard Laborde for his resurrection a DS Safari that was rescued from the estate of the late John Mazmanian in Ft. Erie Ontario back in 2011.
We had a gift table with Citroën models, books, Citroënvie hats and keychains — a selection of swag that members got to choose from and everyone got the opportunity to take home a Citroën Origins poster.

Attendee list:
- Doug Ogle
- George & Helene Klein
- George & Marijke Dyke
- Glen Konorowski
- Graham McCreery
- James & Diana May
- Jim Sciberas + Teague Sciberas
- Larry Lewis
- Philip & Brean Maguire
- Roland Voegele
- Sietse & Petra Elsinga
- Victor Alksnis, Mira and Kira
- Geoff Miller
- Lloyd McBride
- Senen Racki & Andy Racki
- Zikko & Nancy Mallah
- James Rice