Controversial SM – Recreation “Mylord– Henri Chapron”

The German website Exclusive Car Family, an agent and marketer of exclusive vehicles, has listed a Citroën SM Maserati V6 – Recreation “Mylord – Henri Chapron” for sale. They claim they “Sell with confidence” and that “Trust, loyalty, quality, competence and commitment are our top priority.”

This SM might not quite meet that criteria…

In their sales listing on the Citroën SM Group Facebook page, they state;

Hello dear Car Family! Welcome to our exclusive presentation of the Citroen SM Henri Chapron as a recreation! In this video we give you a detailed insight into the elaborate recreation of this rare and iconic vehicle. Henri Chapron, the renowned French coachbuilder, has made this model a true masterpiece of automotive history. Learn all about the unique details that make this vehicle so special and see the impressive craftsmanship that went into every single component. This video is a must for all lovers of classic cars and French engineering! For a detailed description, technical specifications and exclusive pictures visit our website: There you will find all relevant information and can learn more about the history and construction of this extraordinary vehicle. Video ->

While the video (in German) makes some pretty wild assumptions about it’s value, the presenter does disclose that it is recreation. What he or the detailed website listing does mention is the legality of creating it.

The right to build Henri Chapron’s cars, plates and logos is registered by the Chapron family. The models conceived and built by Henri Chapron are protected under the paternity and moral rights laws. His family, also, holds trademark rights relating to the mark “Henri Chapron”, which is registered as European Union trademark EU 018317727 and as French trademark FR 3198788 in the respective trademark registers.

We checked with Noëlle Chapron-Paul, Henri Chapron’s daughter, who authorizes any recreations of Henri Chapron’s work about this SM and were informed by her that no such authorization was given in this case. Consequently, as Noëlle states;

“It is a knock-off and could be seized by the police if we went to court as it is illegal.”

So as much as you might want this SM Mylord at the attractive 174,900 € asking price, buyer beware of possible legal repercussions!

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