For those inspired to add a full-size wooden model of a 2CV or a Méhari to your collection, Marie-Laure and Arnaud Gabriel in Normandy, France have just the thing.

They have a museum of life-size wooden vehicles that they are selling. The vehicles were made by a local carpenter who for the past 40 years has devoted all of his spare time to making full-size models of various vehicles; motorcycles, Jeeps, tractors, race cars, a locomotive, the Apollo lunar rover, and these two iconic Citroëns:



(Not sure what the American flag laid as a “drip tray” under the Méhari is supposed to signify. The Méhari is not a US spec version, Perhaps to convey sentiment about the current US political situation?)

Marie-Laure and Arnaud own a bustling business in Normandy making brooms. The building that houses the wooden models is needed for the expansion of their business, so they are looking for to sell the entire collection of 58 full size wooden vehicles in part or entirely.

They are asking $50,000 each for the 2CV and the Méhari. Probably a reasonable pricing given that this wooden 2CV creation by Michel Robillard sold in June, 2023 for $225,000 USD. Granted it was a functional car and had a greater level of finish, but Marie-Laure points out that Robillard was inspired by the 2CV that they have on display, and that “both of their Citroens could be made to drive”.

Even static, they are certainly impressive and you can certainly appreciate the hours and craftsmanship put into making them.

See more pics of the collection here:

If you would like to purchase one or all, you can contact Marie-Laure and Arnaud at; +33761772787 or email;

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