2CV Ice Racing — The World’s Slowest Motorsport

Here are two very cool videos to watch as you swelter away in the July heat.

Darren Arthur of The 2CV Shop in Warminster England, his son Jacob and a few of their staff took a couple of 2CVs this past winter to the Alpe d’Huez ski resort in France.

Darren Arthur at Alpe d’Huez.

They didn’t make the trip for the slopes. They traveled a total of 1,800 miles, with 4 people in each car, to participate in 10 races on a specially prepared racing circuit. And we mean “racing” figuratively, as never has 15 mph been more entertaining!

Jonny Smith of the The Late Brake Show in the UK tagged along with them and got to try both 602cc engine and 2CV and an electric powered 2CV. He and posted this video on YouTube titled; “Why 2CV Ice Racing is the Funniest Motorsport – Fwd drifting”.

In this second video shot by Darren, he manages to give you a personal “play-by-play” of the bumps made on the course, along with some side fun of the crew snow jumping.

It so goes to show that horse power is not required for enjoyment, but a decent heater would be nice!

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