Asbestos has been used in a wide variety of auto parts, including brakes, clutches, hood liners, gaskets, heat shields and many other automotive products.
If you are working on older cars you are especially at risk because older cars are more likely to contain asbestos parts than newer cars. Both professional auto mechanics and do-it-yourselfers are at an increased risk of developing mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases.
Brake shoes in the Traction Avant and H-Van, the exhaust shield for brake lines on the SM — these are but a few of the many components you may encounter that can contain asbestos in various Citroën models that span over 50 years!

This website: discusses how automobile asbestos exposure happens and features extensive information on asbestos and exposure risks. They also work 1-on-1 with individuals to help them find local doctors, treatment centers and support groups all at no cost.

Ensure that you are properly protected and avoid the dangers of asbestos exposure when working on your Citroën.