Attention Sahara lovers — RM Sotheby’s has listed this 1964 2CV 4×4 Sahara as part of their February online ‘Open Roads’ auction (from Feb. 16 – 23, 2022).
Currently housed in Goslar, Germany it is one of 694 Saharas manufactured between between 1958 and 1966 (not 1971 as stated in the listing). Like all Sahara models, it is powered by two 425-cc engines and 2 gearboxes. Combined engine power is 24 hp. This setup offers not only 4WD, but engine weight over all wheels and full redundancy in the event of failure of one of the drivetrains.
Chassis No. – 30001
Front Engine No. – 0052000016
Rear Engine No. – 0052000035
While most Saharas were grey, this one has been repainted two-tone blue at some point.

Believed to have been assembled at Citroën’s factory in Mangualde, Portugal, in late 1964. It was first registered on January 7, 1965 by Automóveis Citroën and sold to its first owner, José Mestre Lampreia on July 6, 1965. On April 12, 1967 it was acquired by the French construction conglomerate Sainrapt et Brice. On May 2, 1973 Fernando dos Santos Martins registered it in his name, remaining the owner for nearly three decades before being offered for sale again at RM Sotheby’s auction of “The Sáragga Collection” on Sept. 21, 2019, where it sold to the current owner for €71.300 (+10% buyers premium). It was imported it into Germany and since then, according to RM Sotheby’s, he has spent over €1.400 on it.
How much will it go for now? No estimate has been provided by RM Sotheby’s, but a beautifully restored Sahara was for sale in Berlin at Atelier Automobile GmbH in the fall of 2017 with an asking price of €180.000.

Though the Sahara up for auction has had multiple owners and considerable modern parts added in the most recent refurbishment process, it does present will and will probably command a sale price well in excess of €71.300, therefore being a profitable investment for the current owner.
View the full listing and bid online here:×4-Sahara/1210896
Update — Feb. 24, 2022: It sold for €83,600.