Jerry Hathaway, the owner of SM World in Santa Clarita, California, participated at Woodley Park French and Italian Car Show and is a friend of Jay Leno. Jay happened to be doing a walk-through video for his series Jay Leno’s Garage and stopped by to view Jerry’s legendary SM racecar (the fastest SM in the world!), his custom Citroën hydraulic suspension tow trailer and the SM Jerry modified to be a pick-up tow vehicle.
They chatted about how Jay bought his SM from Jerry, and how the SM racecar functions. Then the conversation turned to the special-built trailer that Jerry constructed with its unique and effective braking system followed by the one-off SM pick-up that is renowned for its innovation and gorgeous design.

Stroll the green with Jay and lay eyes on Jerry SMs at the 5:08 mark in the following video. Prior to that, you can also view a rare 1971 Zagato-bodied Lancia Fulvia and a 1977 Lancia Scorpion.