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Join CitroënvieA list of the major milestones to be acknowledged this year and their dates.
A very interesting and astute analysis of the design of the Citroën DS.
All appear to be good quality – but not concours.
There is a partially disassembled 2CV in the garage being thrown about
To truly make the trip truly memorable, and to honour André Citroën’s 149th birthday, Fernando J Alva Mirás is organizing a special dinner party on February 5.
Restored by 2cvgarage Sander Aalderink and shipped to USA in 2021.
They have made an impressive expansion by relocating their operation in a modern ex-Citroën dealership building.
40th Anniversary Celebration in Buffalo, New York – June, 2010. Photo by George Dyke.
Currus fabricated 18 busses having a tubular metal body with a side body covering and roof of reinforced polyester resin.
A well-kept car with 31,012 kms on the odometer.
They received standard US-specification 5 ¾ inch sealed beams installed in cast-aluminum buckets used in USA DS models.
Titled as a 1962 2CV, this 6 Club model runs and drives as it should.
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