Renault 4 — A 2CV Contrast with Similarities
Renault wanted a more modern and versatile utility car to compete with the engineering brilliance of Citroën’s 2CV.
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Join CitroënvieRenault wanted a more modern and versatile utility car to compete with the engineering brilliance of Citroën’s 2CV.
An informative video about the BBC’s use of various Citroëns for outdoor broadcast events such as horse racing.
Toyota’s 60th anniversary retro AA is painted in a similar manner to Citroën’s 2CV Charleston.
A list of the major milestones to be acknowledged this year and their dates.
A very interesting and astute analysis of the design of the Citroën DS.
“I never thought it could be cheaper to drive the C3 Picasso than the BMW i3 on fuel costs.”
As we pause to fondly reflect on her reign, here are two photos of her taken during her visit to Paris in 1972.
If the French government is willing to give me 3500 € for it…. you gotta be practical and take the money.
Considering the relatively clean emissions emitted from new ICE vehicles these days, one has to wonder why there is a huge push to extract rare earth metals to power new EVs.
Citroën had argued successfully in a French court that car buyers could be confused by the similarity.
A perfect project for a 2CV or Dyane enthusiast who wants to add more power to an older model.
At this year’s Pebble Beach Concours, two Citroën Traction Avants, adapated to run with Gasification, were on display.
“Citroën Cars 1934 to 1986 A Pictorial History” by Julian Parish, provides a good overview of the company’s innovative models commencing with the Traction Avant.
The craftsman is 83 years old and lives in the the Mauricie region of Quebec.
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